feeling guilty.

so I've been an ovo lacto vegetarian for about 5 years, then started adding fish to my diet 9 years ago. I mostly ate a vegetarian diet with a rare occasion of fish just for sustenance and even went straight vegan but found out I was pregnant about 2 months later. I'm a type 2 diabetic and because of my previous pregnancy, was considered high risk again and was immediately put in two insulins. since my diet was consisting of high carb foods I had to reincorporate fish, eggs and dairy again. I thought that would be enough but fish is expensive and I was struggling horribly with it and my glucose levels were still high and hard to manage so about two weeks ago I made the difficult decision to incorporate chicken and turkey back into my diet because of its price, lack of carbs and being filling. I feel awful because it's literally been almost 14 years.

I absolutely hate the texture at first, made me gag. Turkey was easier to consume though and I've been doing better with my numbers.

I'm honestly disassociating myself from what I'm eating because it's honestly the only way I can get through the remainder of this pregnancy, which I'm a little over hallway.

I feel like such a hypocrite but there's nothing I wouldn't do for my children. I just needed to vent because no one else would understand, and I haven't even told my family yet.

that's it. be kind to me please lol