Help!! Need some advice !


Hay all! So I have been ttc for the last few months not trying too hard but not preventing either I was disappointed though every month! So I got pre seed this month and have been trying for real hoping to tell him on xmas that we got a positive I know his family would be sooo happy! However this last month we had some car trouble and have some more debt we have some even more debt from relocating for his job so things have been tight but we weren't stressed really until our car took a crap and it's a couple grand for that ! The plan had always been for me to finish school and not work. It I felt obligation to help out and I have always done both before we got engaged so I have been applying the last couple weeks for jobs and today I got an offer! So this is where I am conflicted! I am so excited for this job, the people I will work with seem great the pay and benefits are great and I'm just sooo excited! But I'm also so excited about the possibility of the pre seed working and getting a positive but then I worry that omg maybe with starting a job I shouldn't be trying now and with our money problems I don't want to cause more stress for my fiancé and I dont want to disappoint my new bosses ...especially if I was a sahm for a while and didn't come back to work right away I just feel so conflicted now. So excited and happy but also stressed and worries about disappointing people! I don't know how I should feel now!