Bleeding & Small Clots

Nicole • momma to an angel & a baby boy 👼🏻💙

I want to share my story incase anyone has something similar. I am a first time mom. I am currently 6 weeks & 1 day along. Yesterday around 1 in the morning, I started spotting. It was brown/pink/red along with discharge. The first night it happened it went away within a half hour. The next day, it happened again at the same time. It also stopped within a half hour, but then begin again with a dime sized clot. I immediately woke up my mother to take me the ER. I was for obvious reasons freaking out and was just thinking the worse. I got my blood taken, and an ultrasound done. I didn’t get to see the ultrasound or anything, so I had to wait another 30-60 minutes to hear if my baby was okay. The results came back absolutely perfect! Baby’s heart was beating at 116 BPM & everything was looking amazing. There was no reason for my bleeding or the clots from what my doctor said. I had the sweetest Ultrasound Tech. She repeatedly was saying I was gonna be a great mom regardless of my age. This was a very scary night, but with the happiest ending I could ask for. I just wanted to share my story incase anyone is very worried, and that sometimes things like this will turn out okay! I pray for all the ladies in this group to have a healthy & safe 9 months. 👶🏻