Confusion at its best! I know it’s long but please read....

So 2 weeks ago I officially cut it off with my boyfriend after we took a break (worst idea ever 🚫) in Jan. I can’t even say he was my bf b/c technically we weren’t even in a relationship. This whole year has been emotionally stressful and just straight up confusing. There was always be question of “what are we” to me. Plus, my feelings for him started to die out and I wasn’t even into him anymore going into the Fall semester. He went from being my boyfriend to simply and only a friend. So that’s that! Anyway, I met this guy about a week and a half ago. We’ve been communicating every day since then (Facetime, text, phone). We have been sexually intimate. When he sees me everything is really casual. He always likes to hold me and touch me. He loves cuddling. I freaking love it 😍 It’s the opposite of what my ex did! I’ve been missing this kind of stuff. Also, when he looks at me and in my eyes I can see desire in his eyes (is it a romantic desire or just lust? Idek). A few days ago my new guy told me he has a crush on me. He previously told me “I want to be with you one day, I want you to myself”. He said he’s looking for something serious. Granted, it freaks me out a little b/c getting emotionally involved=hurt feelings. I’ve taught myself not to care so much about things just to protect my feelings. But the other hand, I would like to see where this goes. Idk if he is just telling me this for sex or if he really is trying to connect with me. He’s a nice, cool guy with some flaws and a rough past. Idk if I should pursue b/c of his flaws. And sometimes idk if he’s always 100% honest with me b/c it just seems like he leaves out certain info when we talk. Again, it could just be me looking too deep into it. He told me just be 100% with me and I’ll be 100% with you. I JUST DON’T WANT MY FEELINGS HURT AGAIN!! What should I dooooo??? 😥😥