Trick on how to make a cold sore go away over night!

Hey guys! I’ve been dealing with cold sores since I was super young. Im assuming I got HSV from a relative or something but they have always been super annoying and embarrassing to put up with especially in high school. However that is when I found out this amazing trick that literally makes my cold sore go away OVER night. First here are some warnings. If you have sensitive skin be super careful with this. Check up on your skin every minute or so and if It starts to become discolored then stop! Also you need to be very precise and clean so that you don’t accidentally spread the infection! This also only works when your cold sore is still in its bubble phase and the blister hasn’t popped yet! Anyways I do this every time I feel the first itch and monitor It closely for when the first blister appears I can attack. What you need is a safety pin or push pin, hydrogen peroxide (3%) , salt and qtips or toilet paper!

-Get a small bowl and fill It with the hydrogen peroxide.

-Then get another small bowl and fill It with some salt.

-Dip the qtip In the hydrogen peroxide

-Then take the push pin and very carefully pop the blister. You want to do this as soon as you notice even the tiniest one!

-immediately following breaking the blister apply the qtip directly on the infected spot and apply pressure until the blister stops pussing

- then throw that qtip out and get another. Dip It in the hydrogen peroxide, then dip It in the salt.

-apply the qtip once again and make sure the salt enters the open sore. THIS will STING! But It will get better.

-repeat this process over changing qtips every min or so.

-it’s recommend you don’t do this for longer than 10 min but I usually do It for 30 min but I do not have sensitive skin!

- for max results do this up to 3 times a day

- at night when you do this, after you are done with the hydrogen peroxide intervals I apply chapstick on my lips EXCEPT on the blister. On the blister I will coat It was salt and then sleep with the salt.

-all of this dries the blister out and penetrates the virus in your sink to stop replicating

-make sure ro was your hands after this!

- by the end of It your herpes blister should be just a normal blister which means It will heal 6x faster. Typically by the next morning my blister is already healed or mostly healed and it completely skips the weeping phase as well as makes the scab while it’s healing like 10000x tinier than normal! You cant even tell it’s there! H ope this helps!

Also here is a picture. Last night while studying I felt the itch. By the time I got home I saw 3 little blisters (I don’t know if you can even them see them yet). If I had not had done this they would have weeped and grown and popped and then turn into the gross eye sore that cold sores are! However I followed these steps and now my blister is in the final stage of healing. These are taken LESS than 24 hours apart. By tomorrow It should be fully healed :-)