Mixed test results confusing


Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else has had confusing test results back..

Went to gp yesterday to get my harmony and nuchal translucency ultrasound back..

Gp said confusing but over all good results!!

So my nuchal translucency said I was high risk

Trisomy 21. Trisomy 18. Trisomy 13

Background. 1:68. 1:163. 1:513

Adjusted risk. 1:20. 1:898. 1:386

It says the risk for aneuploidy using nuchal translucency 2.2mm

Harmony results all low 1/10,000 (0.01%) for the three tests

It’s a little bit

And the fetal fraction 11.7%

So the gp wasn’t concerned about the bad results and just said it’s good harmony as harmony is 99% accurate and nt is 86%

However I feel very worried about the nt results.. the man doing the nt said why r you even doing this test when you did the Harmony as harmony over rides the nt..

I guess the good thing is they will take me into the hospital system earlier but so disappointing and confusing. I just wanted clarification but now I will worry till next scan...

I guess the joy of being old and pregnant...

Does anyone else have a similar experience or any advice?

Sorry for the saga just so confused 🤷‍♀️ I guess it’s good that harmony is good and nt bad and not the other way around but still so concerned...