want to divorce an abuser but trapped

I want to divorce my husband if 14 yrs. we have 2 kids 4 and 15 . He is extremely verbally abusive, has hit me before. tells our 4yr old son bad things about me and talk to him like he's an adult saying things like" Mommy doesn't want you to be close to daddy she's crazy and jealous" I work part time and do not make a lot if money he also take money out if bank or won't deposit his check if he's mad. He tells me I am using him . because he makes all the money. I NEVER buy anything for myself and if I get a haircut I hear about it for months. he deserves to buy and get whatever he wants on a whim because he works hard. He tells me I do nothing. my job isn't shit. I work part time take care of both kids and go to school . I want to leave but have no where to go. does anyone know of any place besides a shelter like a program that would help with rent. He also threatens that he will get full custody of the kids because I can't provide financially . my kids are the only thing keeping me here. I refuse to let him have full custody or even have to split time equally. any advice work be appreciated. God Bless. I don't even know where to begin or who o can contact locally for financial assistance. I have no family that I can stay with