i couldn’t believe it🤢

so i dont know what to call this when im telling people? its not like im calling the cops or anything over it but i do think it’s wrong. i am 13. i was in science, and my classrooms have the slim one-piece kinda desks that get very close. the desks were across from each other in pairs. i sat in the back with my best friend, and my best friend was moved because we talk too

much. so i was sitting in the back alone, until a boy, who we’re going to call brad, came to sit with me. there were plenty of seats around, so he wanted to sit with me specifically. we were taking notes in class, but brad started to tell me a joke and began to tap me on the knees, under the desk, as part of the joke. so we laugh, and its fine. i stop laughing and continue to take notes. but he was still tapping. he moved farther and farther up my legs until he got all the way in my inner thighs, and i finally said stop, and he walked away from me. this kid and i are not friends. he follows people, gets close to me still, and is just overall creepy. it wasnt a friendly touch, so please dont assume that. what would he technically be doing to me?