I need advice

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. He has never brought me anything ever not birthdays nor holidays. Don't get me wrong I don't need him too but it would be nice. He doesn't have the best paying job so Ive been the one looking out for him. I make sure he eats, take him out to eat, brought things for his birthday, n brought a bed, you get the point.I have only asked for two things years and I never got them. My problem is that although he doesn't have money as he claims when it comes to me but when it comes to me he spares no expense he finds the money. He buys $200-300 jeans n shirt has an $800 coats n just brought himself a another one for $1200. I know this cause he told me. I feel a way cause like I said he always plays broke when it comes to me. Am I wrong for feeling this way? ( excuse my writing I'm upset)