Cold Season

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

So my son has been put through the ringer from getting his first cold at 4 months old (thanks day care), to having back to back to back to back viruses. Bacterial infection and bronchiolitus all within 3 months. He finally was a healthy child by 7 months old. Just in time for cold and flu season. So naturally, after being healthy for 2 weeks, just long enough to give his immune system a break, he gets another cold. He's been sick for about a week now and I'm doing all I can to help him kick it asap. Problem is, the big thing that helped us last time was for him to stay elevated. Well ever since he learned that he can move, by the time he wakes up he normally does a 180. He's terribly congested and I don't know what else to do. We have the humidifier, steam shower, nose frida, saline drops, Vics. Any additional advice?