
I had been on birth control for a while and stopped caring to take it, so I stopped altogether. Recently my boyfriend (20) and I (18) decided we wanted to have a baby. We’re both in very good living conditions with income and we already have a puppy so we thought we are ready. I’ve got mad baby fever and we tried in October, I was almost 11 days late, took a test at planned parenthood and it was negative. I was having cramps, constipation, wasn’t sleeping or sleeping through the day, nausea, frequent urination to the point where I can’t hold it. So we thought I was pregnant. Nope. Next day after the test I started my period and went into a slump for a while. My periods are off so I never know my cycle so <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> is so difficult. I’ve been trying to log symptoms and keep track of CM but it’s so difficult when I’ve got such a busy schedule. My mother was infertile and I was scared it was hereditary but the woman at PP said it’s not, it just upsets me every time the test is negative. Anything that could possibly help?

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Posted at
try using ovulation tests regularly. a few days after your period test and see if your ovulating - then ttc. good luck x


Posted at
I got off of depo last December & my periods didn’t come back regular til October, my periods were literally every other month.