Pcos and TTC: Progesterone


I am looking for anyone to help me make sense of this. I work as a nurse so I’m pretty familiar with why doctors do the things they do and why they prescribe the things they do. If I don’t, I do the research. My boyfriend and I have been TTC for almost 2 years now. And I have pcos. I started seeing a integrated gynecologist to help control the pcos so that I can ovulate. She increased my metformin which helped me get my blood insulin under control so that’s good. But then she placed me on progesterone pills to take calendar days 1-12 to regulate my periods. I have never had many issues with my periods. Sometimes they would be 4 days later than predicted but that’s the extent of it. But I do have them at the end of the month. And if I’m taking these progesterone pills at the beginning that is during my ovulation time. Now she assures me that they are not going to hinder my actual ovulation. But I don’t know if I necessarily believe her. All the research that I’ve done on these progesterone pills and TTC have most people taking them after their projected ovulation not before. And I cannot find any information on the regimen she put me on. Anyone that can help me understand this please comment. Also I quit taking the progesterone until I can understand.