We heard our Rainbow Baby’s heartbeat today😍🌈


We had our second ultrasound today after visiting the ER on 12/5 for cramping..at that ultrasound they only saw the gestational sac- no yolk sac or fetal pole. I was terrified I was miscarrying again after a miscarriage in August. But they said to follow up with my ob in a week since my HCG levels were good and doubling.

So today we went in for a second ultrasound and I was SO nervous but right away the doctor saw baby AND a heartbeat at 117bpm! She also saw a Subchorionic hemorrhage (basically a small bleed/bruise) she wants to keep an eye on but other than that she said everything looks great! I couldn’t be more relieved😅

I am measuring at 6 weeks 3 days which puts my Due date at August 6th!

Anyone want to guess on Ramzi Theory? We already have an 18 month old daughter so a boy would be amazing👼🏻🌈