Serious Impatience Already- Can anyone help?


Hi, I'm really new to this. Basically, my partner and I have been TTC for an entirety of 1 month (period is due today) and already, even though I know it's very unlikely that I'm pregnant) I'm already dreading it's arrival. I know it's coming, every month I get the same symptoms- cramps, feeling very warm and awful PMS 3-5 days before it arrives and I've experienced all of the above. I've been tracking my periods and even though I know it's due, I couldn't help myself and took a test this morning, which was a BFN. Kind of broke my heart already.

Can someone please give me advice on how to be more patient! I don't want this to affect my mood and the people around me every month it doesn't happen for us.

Thanks so much.

Hoping this app can help me a bit, somehow. ❤️