Is this normal for the sixth leap?


My daughter is 8.5 months old and according to the Wonder Weeks app she has another two weeks in this sixth leap, so she’s in the thick of it right now I guess. Before this week she was napping twice a day and now she’s needing naps every two hours at most, and half of the naps are decent lengths and then the other half are short thirty minute ones. She was sleeping through the night, but again, this last week she’s been waking once or twice (possibly because of the catnapping through the day?). Also this week (I know, it’s alllll happening this week! Lol) she’s started refusing solids. She’s been drinking a little bit more breastmilk (certainly not enough to be replacing her three solid meals and two snacks), but with the solids she’s flat out refusing them. She was pushing the spoons full of purées and mashes away so I thought maybe she would prefer finger foods now. She started off eating maybe half of the finger foods (steamed vegetables and soft fruits, cheese, scrambled eggs), but now she’s refusing those aswell, all except for the baby packeted snacks (baby puffs and crackers/biscuits), she’ll eat a wholeee packet of those in one sitting of course 🙄

I don’t know what to do! Everything I’ve read says not to force the food on her and upset her because then she’ll have negative associations with food, but it’s getting more and more frustrating! I also have a theory she’s still hungry at night because now she’s waking once or twice and I have to give her breastmilk to get her back to sleep. Arghhh!

I guess I just want to know if this is all normal for the sixth leap so at least I have something to blame for my baby being difficult lol. Has anybody else’s babe been like this during this leap? It ends, right? Please tell me it ends?!?! 😩😩