Baby stopped sleeping through the night


Baby girl was a great sleeper! She would sleep 11 hours at night. Then when she turned 7 months she started waking up at night multiple times and not self soothing (she stopped taking the pacifier and stopped sucking her thumb when her two teeth started coming in). Then she got a cold with horrible congestion and would only sleep elevated in the rock and play (with me next to her so she didn't climb out when she woke up) or in my arms and only for 1-2 hours at a time before waking up again. Well now the cold is gone, she's almost 8 months, she takes only 30 minute naps, she started crawling all over the place and pulling up to stand on everything she can so she's using lots of energy during the day and must be tired, but she will not sleep at night except with me...I tried not to have her sleep on me or sleep with her but I've got to sleep too and can't just be up all night. But now it's been almost a month since she stopped sleeping through the night and I don't know what to do to get back to good sleep habits. Help!