Asthma attacks


I was rediagnosed with asthma after being in and out of hospital last year with a chest infection that lasted from August 2016 - March 2017. My oxygen levels were so low they said that if I had gone to sleep I may have died.

I have a preventer and a reliever, also a powder steroid inhaler and get prescribed steroid tablets most months. The problem I have is that although I’ve been in hospital because of my asthma countless times and are meant to see my , asthma nurse fortnightly my dad refuses to believe I have asthma... and he doesn’t understand what asthma attacks are like. He thinks theyrejust stereotypical ones you see in movies, so when I wheeze and cough and can’t breathe, and when I get chest pain that makes me weak and when I collapse because I’ve struggled to breathe that much he just laughs it off but he doesn’t understand how exhausting and debilitating it is. Idjust appreciate some support!