Christmas struggles

I'm a stay at home mom. So with this comes a lack of funds, especially since I'm a SAHM to my boyfriends child, as he has full custody of her. Recently I drained my savings account to pay for his lawyer for her and prior to that I paid for his hunting license, which is rather pricey if you have a man who hunts and know how it is. I'm struggling to deal with the guilt of not getting him a Christmas present even tho I know i shouldn't feel bad. I do a lot for him and his daughter so not being able to provide a gift shouldn't make me feel this awful, but it does. I just needed to vent about this because personally, it makes me feel like less of a person. Thank you to anyone who read the full thing and gives any advice or anything really. I should add that the hunting license was a birthday gift and I had a job before moving in with him. We both decided I could stay home with her, which I love doing.