Need your honest opinion

Hi ladies. Today is the 2nd day of my period and I've been in a lot of pain. Tonight while talking to my bf, he disappeared on me and when he returned, he acted like he didn't just leave me on "read" for 30 mins. This made me really angry because I always tell him please say "brb" so that I won't be just waiting with my phone in hand on his reply. I know things can come up that can cause him to not respond immediately but what I can't understand is he knows I have a problem with this and he continues to do it plus he played it off like he didn't just leave me hanging. My man is a really good man but this is the biggest problem I have with him. Some may say I need to chill out but I really hate being left hanging. I told him about it and his excuse was lame AF! My hormones wasn't having it but I tried to stay as calm as possible. He eventually called me and he was trying to start a convo with me and I told him I really don't want to talk. The time for talking is long gone and he said I was now looking to start an argument. Am I wrong? I'm so upset. Im PMSing and I'm so emotional about it. We never really go to bed mad but tonight we did and neither of us said "Good night" and "I love you". I just hung up the phone and he never called back... Did I overreact or is he wrong?