Body shame

So the guy I've been talking to/hanging out with and me are going to see each other tomorrow night. We aren't technically together and don't know if he even wants to be, but regardless we've done basically everything except sex. I think it may happen tomorrow! The thing is, I'm extremely self conscious and don't like my body and don't think he will either. I currently weigh 170lbs but am only 5'2. I'm working toward my goal but have recently fell off the wagon and it's especially hard during the holidays 😔. But anyway what I'm trying to say is I want to have sex but probably 90% of the reason I haven't Is because I'm not happy with the way I look. Is there anything you ladies have done to get over this?? I'm trying not to let it bring me down and sometimes I do have confidence in my body, but most days it's a struggle. I guess I'm just venting to you guys. I'll post a pic of myself..

and don't let it fool you, I got a big belly underneath that shirt and lots of stretch marks.