Mini Whine - Update


I’m 36+1, and they fully expect that this kiddo is going to be 10lbs (my daughter was 9lbs 2oz at 37+4 and he was estimated at 5lbs 11oz at 32 weeks).

I have a laundry apocalypse to weed my way through this weekend. A 22 month old who is having some serious clinginess. Need to clean the house for Christmas - my husband and I have both been crazy busy with work so it’s a bit out of control. I need to pick for my work trip next week. Also need to pack my hospital bag. Still need to finish getting this baby’s stuff cleaned, sorted, and put away.

I am determined to get it done this weekend. Tonight I got my kiddo to bed, put away five loads of laundry, washed and dried another two loads, cleaned the play room, and worked on getting baby boy’s stuff sorted.

Still a lot to do but feeling like I might actually get it done. My feet and back hurt (first time this has happened) so I’m calling it for the night. Gonna start again in the morning - after I take little girl to a Santa pancake breakfast.

Just gotta keep moving. Good luck to all you mamas as we move in to the home stretch.


Finished all the laundry. Four more lids washed and six total put away today. Just have to put away the last of baby boy’s clothes.

Finished organizing his bedroom.

Completed all my exchanges for his clothes/sizes. Finished getting the last of the things I need before his arrival.

Finished Christmas shopping for our daughter. And getting all the Christmas decorations up and in place.

Completed an assortment of other tiny tasks around the house that had just been sitting there waiting to be done.

Did I mention due to high wind our power was out for 5 hours today?

Still need to finish cleaning up, filing some paperwork, and packing (for my work trip and our hospital bags).

Feeling so much better now that things are getting checked off my list and ready to go. No longer feel like I’m drowning. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I don’t think I ever had nesting with my daughter (I was induced at 37 weeks), is this what it feels like?