Crush on my teacher.

(Me again! Just thought I’d add a bit of extra information)

So, I’m only a teenager and I’m still in high school. I have a really big crush on a teacher at my school. He’s married and is obviously so much older than me. I think about him all the time, and I know it’s wrong. I’ve tried to move on but I feel like I love him. Since the first day of school he walked into my English class (he’s a maths teacher) to get some books and we made eye contact. It felt like I loved him from that moment. Obviously it will never be anything, but I’m scared to let go of him. What if he has feelings for me too? I also suffer from OCD and anxiety. A symptom of OCD is intrusive sexual thoughts, and I don’t know if my feelings for him are due to this. I think that my feelings are genuine, but the thoughts I have about him are so wrong for a 15 year old to have. I don’t know what to do, and I don’t want to move on incase he likes me too. I understand everyone telling me to stop, but that’s so much easier said than done. I’m not actually doing anything with him either, it’s just a crush. Please help me, do you have any advice?

Please be nice in the comments.