Just feel stupid getting him a gift now

So first I’m not jealous at all and second I understand that gifts should be thoughtful. My bf was raised in a more luxury financial situation and mine was a little above average. Well his bday was last week and he turned 20. His parents legit gave him over $2000 in gifts, now Ik my bf is a great guy, works hard is in school but still I think that is crazy especially because he works and can buy what he wants. Well I’m kinda upset because legit how the hell cna I ever compare to gifts like that. I’m in college and school for the next 4 years. I would want to give him nice gifts when I’m working but still I could never spend that much... that’s basically a weekend getaway trip. Has anyone experienced this, will his parents always be like this? I just feel like my $100 gift that was sentimental means nothing to him. What do I do? I didn’t tell him how I feel cause I don’t want to make him upset but I just feel stupid.