Ex partner from hell

Not sure what good this will do but i need to get it off my chest .

I had my baby 8 yrs ago with my (then boyfriend) i endured physical, emotional and verbal abuse almost every day! I left that relationship and moved with my mom. My ex would harass, stalk and even tried to manipulate me into coming back (which i didn’t) i didn’t call the cops (like a idiot) because i didn’t want to hurt the father of my child (dumb after all he’s done) 1 day he told my mom he was going to murder me! I got a restraining order and the court granted me custody. I left the state with his knowledge (he thought i just needed “time”) after 2 yrs of leaving he takes me to court claiming he had no idea i left !!! 3 yrs into court he says my son is being mistreated and not getting feed(takes pictures of my naked son to court! Yes he’s thin and tall just like me) BTW the court is ignoring the fact he owes 6,000.00 in child support! the court takes my son and gives temp custody to my abuser ! ( no DR can say my child is malnourished) I barely speak to my baby now! I’ve been depressed I’ve lost my job . I’m loosing my mind ! And the court system 😂😂 what a joke ! I was basically told I’m not a good enough parent because I’m always working (to provide)