Marriage problem/ NEED ADVICE


It is very sad. I don’t have brother and sister and I have no one to ask for advices like this. I don’t want to tell my best friend as she just got married, I don’t want her to hear any negative stories.

My husband and I are married for 1 yrs. you would of think we are still in honeymoon. Completely opposite. Both him and I have mentioned divorce, a few times. My main issue with him is I don’t feel the love. He kisses me before he leaves home and when he’s back home everyone. And says he loves me quite often. But beside that, I just don’t feel his love. He doesn’t touches me or hold me or all over me. I am the one who wants to have sex every time. I almost feel like if I don’t ask for it, he will be totally fine to live without sex.

Base on my past experience, I always have trust issue. So when his phone is on the table l, and a msg happen to come in, I always look who is it.

So today when we were out with friend, this girl sent him a msg “ hi. missing you “ and while he went to toilet I quickly unlocked his phone and read the conversation. So he sent this girl “ hi. How are you. Miss you. “ my blood was boiling. And when the dinner finally over. I confront him with msg. His excuses is “ that’s nothing. She’s just a supplier and I was saying miss u as something u say to friends “ ( I know for a fact this girl is his supplier and she’s not even live in this country) but I don’t buy his excuses. You might think I am overreacting. But I don’t think it is right a married man send to other girl “ miss you “

I just wanna ask some advises. And if any of you had similar experience before. How did you handle it?