Help me.


Last night my boyfriend of two years left me. I am a senior in high school, he graduated last year. I have alienated myself from everyone. My mom is my only and best friend.

His parents have treated me awfully for years. They are consistent alcoholics and have no money.

My parents have money. They hate that.

Yesterday I got accepted to my dream school. What should have been the happiest day of my life turned into the love of my life breaking my heart.

His dad got drunk and said "there's something I just don't like about her. You need to stop seeing her."

I texted his mom and said I'm so sorry for anything I've done, how can I fix this?

She freaked out and got my boyfriend all wound up.

I said, I can't marry you or have kids with you if they are being involved.

He said "I chose my parents". I can't believe you just broke up with me.


I am madly in love with him.

Now he won't open my texts or take any calls. I'm heartbroken. I feel like I can't even live anymore.

My parents are furious and want me to stop dating him but I am so in love with him. I didn't do anything wrong. Why is he hurting me? Why doesn't he want me?