doctors scared me


so last night I got to the ER because I have been sick for two weeks. well 3 days ago I take a home pregnancy test after realizing I was 6days late. anyways with the cough I have it caused me pains in my stomach. with me having a miscarriage in the past I wanted to make sure everything was fine and see if they could do something for my sickness. well they take, pee test, blood test, xray (for my chest) & lastly probe ultrasound. well doctor comes back and says well you're pregnant. levels are at 200 so you're very very early. he said when they did the ultrasound to make sure everything was in the right spot that they just didn't see anything which didn't mean anything but im not that far along to see the baby. automatically I wanted to cry. hearing that after having a miscarriage my hormones just took over. no one wants to hear they couldn't see anything in your uterus. & I looked it up & it says normally you can't see anything until around 5-6weeks. but still doctor scared the shit out of me....