It's not fun NOT being pregnant anymore


Alright all you January moms!! 👈 I know your tired, sore, grumpy, hungry, full of heartburn, tired of peeing yourself when you cough and sneeze... the list goes on and on! Everyone is to the point of just being over being pregnant. BUT let me just say... not being pregnant isn't all that you might wish it to be! 👌 by no means am I bashing anyone for thinking such a thing, lord knows I thought it at times to! But now I'm sitting here in the NICU with a 34 weeker and I realize I'd much rather be in all of that discomfort, with him safely cooking inside my belly, than sitting here right now!

I am extremely fortunate! He is doing wonderfully! Oxygen was never needed and the drs said he has passed many other milestones so far! But even with that he has had to have a feeding tube because he tires to quickly to finish his bottle and until he gets his strength and weight up we can't go home! Its tiresome and stressful and absolutely wonderful all wrapped up into one little package! I find peace knowing that he is just a "feeder" (needs to be fed to grow to go home) but not everyone is as lucky as we are!!

Ladies! Keep those babies cooking and you don't have to love every minute of it but please try to appreciate every minute of it!!

Oliver Russell born 12/12/17 4lbs 12oz and 18.5 inches long. Water broke at 9 pm on the 11th, pitocin was started at 6am on the 12th and he was born that afternoon at 2:39pm! We are currently on day 4 with only 6 oz of weight dropped! If we can get strong enough we just might make it home for Christmas!