TTC a baby girl Any tips? 🌸🤰🏻🤱🏻

Bailey • Ava Madeline🧸 07/23/2020🌈 IVF baby

First off let me put this out here. I am perfectly fine conceiving a boy 💙 I would be happy either way 💙💝 but I’m wondering about ways to increase the likely hood of a baby girl.

If anyone has done anything to contribute to the girl they have now.

I read online to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation and stop after that. But it decreases your chances of even conceiving at all.

Do you think stopping 2 days before ovulation is bad as it decreases your chances?

I’m starting my Fertile week December 20-31st. So it’s right around the corner and trying to get as much info as I can. Though my boyfriend would be real happy with a boy. But he’s open to anything.