TTC: Clearblue Easy Read Ovulation Test

My husband and I have been TTC since February, so not very long. I was using an app to track my period and try to get a handle on when I was ovulating. The first 3 cycles after I stopped birth control in October were normal, then the 4th after AF came 4 days early and the 5th cycle AF came 4 days late. The last cycle came writhin a day of when Glow and my other app said it would. We decided to use Clearblue Easy Read Digital Ovulation Test with either the "O" or ur "😀". I tested at 11am today and got an"O". Then tested around 615 and got my smile!! We did the deed tonight and will tomorrow and Tuesday since Glow says that's within my fertile window.  My husband was gone the last two nights. Is there a good chance still of getting pregnant? 
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Please send baby dust our way!!