Period Starting/ Implantation Bleeding/ Random Spotting?!


I'm 8 weeks 3 days postpartum with my Little Man and EBF. Hubby and I have had sex a few times since 6 weeks PP (6w to the day being the first time). Friday (2 days ago) I had some light spotting, and now I've had some again today. Very very light, but it's making me SOO paranoid!

We didn't use contraceptive the first time because it was spontaneous and I also know it's unusual to get pregnant while EBF, especially if the period hasn't started again and the baby is under 6 months old. But last night I had a dream I had my little guy and a newborn baby girl, and I've been really wanting chocolate (no, I didn't crave chocolate when pregnant with LM, but I don't usually want chocolate like this either...)..

Could this be my period starting? What are the chances that it's actually implantation bleeding?!