Dear my ex forever

I fell completely in love with you, dedicated my life to you, gave up friends, grades, and getting a job for you. I spent too much money on you, trying to keep you happy. You broke my hymen and didn't deserve it. You wanted to remain friends after breaking my heart over Skype despite seeing me earlier that day because I said I was afraid of you cheating while you were on vacation at a beach that's notorious for hookups. Your best friend hooks up every time you go there so what was going to stop you? I was scared and looking for reassurance. You isolated me for months. I didn't speak to anyone but you and my mom for most of our relationship. You're sickening to think about now. It's sickening to think that you think highly of your sister's dead bf even though he cheated on her and molested a child and filmed it and then killed himself because he didn't want to be caught and used the excuse that your sister wanted to be a teacher. You brainwashed me into thinking that you were the good guy even though you are anything but. You sent me into the worst depression of my life, even worse than when I was raped years ago. You didn't blink when I cried in front of you. You got angry when I was scared. You yelled at me when I raised my voice inbetween sobs because I knew you wouldn't be able to understand my mumbling and I just wanted a hug. You took my saying "I hate that you said that to me, it hurt" and turned it into "I hate you". You said you fell out of love with me but I don't think you loved me at all. You made me uncomfortable every day and refused to acknowledge my insecurities when I tried to talk about them, to try and get your help. I have a new forever now. He's kind and sweet. He holds me when I cry and then massages my neck until I fall asleep. He will use my house key I gave him and pile my favourite blankets and pillows on my bed and buy me chick fil a or a burger when I have a bad day and watch Game of Thrones while we're curled up warm in my bed. He loves to make me so comfortable I fall asleep. I've never slept better. I never feel forced into bed with him. Or that I have to have sex with him to make him happy or want to stay. He'll do things you promised and then refused, calling it gross because unlike you, he thinks about people other than himself. He'll let me foot the bill when we go out if I want to and he'll proudly tell the waiter or waitress that it was my card, not his, when they give it back to him. He has the biggest smile and greatest laugh I've heard. He helps me make new friends and helped me get a job and helps me with schoolwork because I hate college professors who act like they're gods and assume I'm telepathic. I still struggle with the depression you left me in. Despite this amazing man, you hurt me too much for me just to get over you as quick as I had other guys. My new forever says he understands why I get so sad and let's me talk about whatever I need to, whenever I need to. I give him kisses after every time I cry in front of him because he doesn't leave. I accused him of lying about something and instead of yelling at me, he says something to the effect of "let's talk over dinner, I get off work in an hour". When he comes to pick me up, he'll come to the door and give me a hug or kiss and tell me the only thing he would ever lie about is a surprise that would make me smile because he loves my smile and he would never want to cause my sad tears. You told me chivalry was dead but it isn't. Look at my man. You're a baby boy compared to him. Maybe in anouther universe, you two were one person. In this universe I found you, ugly with little good in it, and then I found him, almost near perfection. The only imperfect thing about him is that he doesn't like white chocolate. But that's okay, it just means more for me according to him. So thanks, ex forever, for showing exactly who I shouldn't be with and what it feels like to mean nothing to someone because it might not be perfectly okay right in this moment, but it'll be okay. I'm told that every day, every time I'm sad, and every time I'm happy, he asks if everything will be okay and I get to say it too.