My boyfriend might have a baby


Me and my boyfriend been together for almost half a year. His ex might have gave birth to his child but they are t sure because a paternity test hasn’t been done yet. Before we came serious I asked him if he had a kid he said he was only a father figure. He did tell me his ex was pregnant but he knew it wasn’t his because she at first said it wasn’t because she cheat on him when they were together. But now it’s a whole different story. I told him straight up before got serious if he had a child don’t want to be with him. NOW LOOK, I seen the baby she looks like him. My heart is kinda broken because I have to end it because he deserve to be with someone who can accept his child and I can’t. The baby didn’t ask to be here so I must let him go. I’m also scared if the baby isn’t his she going to make him be a father figure. Baby usually bring people closer I just can’t handle that. Now I’m broken cause I lose a guy I love. All this really could have been avoided...💔😭

I’m 21 a college sophomore