

So my husband and I have been trying for about a year using the natural family planning method/ counting cycles and days and I FINALLY decided to get an ovulation test due to no success. Come to find the app was WAYYY OFF! I took the ovulation test which calculated I should start testing around the same time as glow and <a href="">eve</a> suggested. I tested and tested, and when the last day of testing suggested still came as low fertility I was concerned. My hubby suggested I keep taking the test, finally on day 18 of testing I had a smiley face...weird thing is I was also supposed to be due for my period within the next day or the part I am curious about-

Hubby and I did 5 days of the deed when the ovulation test indicated high and peak fertility (some of that time during what should have been my period). I am now 10 days “over due.” Is it still early for a pregnancy test? I technically am at a missed period but it is sooo early, like 2 weeks. I feel like a complete dumbass for not knowing. It seems like it would be too early, but then how do I know when the next missed period would be?! I had looked up some information that even indicated those who ovulate soon before a period can still at times have a period without miscarrying. I finally feel hopeful, but have been trying not to get hopes up as this last year has been rough with lots of late periods, pregnancy tests, and negative results :(