SO brought up he doesn’t want to be in the baby shower !

So my SO works out of town so he is home every 3-6 weeks for a couple days . We have been speaking a lot about the baby shower and he mentioned that he isn’t going to be there because he doesn’t want to be the only man there , so while doing the guest list I have around 20 people maybe 5 guys counting my dad and brother then his family will be his mom and sister only . because of his job he doesn’t have any friends that he will invite to a baby shower . So now I’m sitting here I know some people go with all female baby shower but this is his first baby and with him being away all the time I felt like to will be nice to have at least that to experience together . I’m a bit upset about the fact that he doesn’t care to be there or not I can’t do just a woman’s baby shower because my dad and brother will

Like to be there and I want them and him there .... any advice?