
POINT OFF THE STORY SHALL I GO TALK TO HIM OR NOT Okay so first of al i'm Dutch so sorry for my English. Okay so i was really good friends with a guy bestfriends actually and we would always talk like non stop so everyone would joke about it they would be saying like "Omigosh you guys make such a cute copple together" But then al of the fun ended at the end of the school year because i wouldn't be in his class anymore but we would still be on the same school together and i didn't really think about it i thought it would be the same the next year but no because he didn't talk to me and he just acted like he didn't give a fuck so it's still like that but i really liked him and i thought he really liked me to i mean like sometimes we would be like so cute together and we would have those moments that we just looked each other in the eyes and now it's all gone so i just wanted to ask "shall i step up to him and try to talk?

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