My husband creeps me out.

My husband and I just married 3 months ago after being in a relationship for 5 years. We've always had a great sex life together, but lately it's been suffering big time. I am never "in the mood" anymore. Infact, the thought of him touching me makes me cringe. I've powered through it a few times. I still get pleasure from it, but the entire time I'm just waiting for it to end. I'm grossed out by his tongue in my mouth. His hands on me make me feel violated. I'm overwhelmingly disgusted with the things I used to enjoy very much. Since I started feeling this way we haven't had sex nearly as often as we used to, so I can tell he's becoming frustrated. He tries to make a pass at me every chance he gets. He'll walk by me and grab my breast or sit next to me and rub my thigh. Even when he hugs me, he makes sure to press his penis on me. Very single touch makes me cringe. Why am I feeling this way? Help.