He cant get me much for christmas

So my boyfriend is 21 and has had a difficult situation for the last few months. We’ve been dating for almost five months and I’ve helped him get his drivers license, and he’s getting a job soon as he had an interview the other day. But since he has been struggling so much I’ve been helping and we just went on our first date a couple days ago. It was really nice. But he can’t get me much for christmas because he doesn’t have nearly any money left. Personally, that doesn’t bother me. But my parents and grandparents and whole family are nagging that he’s a bad boyfriend and he doesn’t get me anything and blah blah. Like I think he’s planning to give me some of his sweaters to keep because he knows how much I’m obsessed with his clothes and thats so cute to me. Would this bother you if your boyfriend couldn’t get you much or anything for christmas?