Insecurities Ruining Intimacy

This girl is in serious need of some advice!

My husband and I, having been married about a year decided it was time to try for a baby. We were very fortunate, and ended up conceiving only our second month of trying! We are SO excited for this baby (our first!)!

I knew pregnancy would be hard, and my body would change, but I was NOT ready for this. I am 14 weeks tomorrow, and have put on 12 pounds, have stretch marks already on my breasts and hips, and I feel like an elephant/zebra hybrid. I feel everything but sexy.

I feel as sexy as this cat^

My husband has been nothing but supportive, he assures me every day how beautiful he thinks I am, and how excited he is for our baby. I just can’t help but feel the way I am feeling despite his reassurance.

I feel so out of control of my body! It doesn’t even feel like my own! I’m still eating relatively healthy, and going to the gym 5 days a week. But despite my efforts, I’m still a not-so-hot-mess.

It’s getting to the point where I can’t even make it though sex with my husband without crying about my body. I can’t help but think of how long it will be before I feel like myself again, and how many more stretch marks are going to appear in the next few months.

I have never been a vain person, so I am extremely surprised the way I am handling (or not handling, more like) these feelings.

LADIES! How did you get through this? How did you sill feel good enough when you felt like trash? Any advice? Any words or encouragement?

Thank you for joining my pity party!



Please don’t tell me to suck it up, but if you really do feel the need, please do so nicely.