Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything?

Hello everyone,

So me and my fiancé got to talking tonight and I really opened up to him about what happened in my past....two or three years ago there was a guy at my work, my supervisor, who was 12 years older than me hitting on me constantly and always touching my ass and boobs...he also told me he had major sexual fantasies about me! I didn’t really know how to react at the time but I do know I said to stop and that I was dating but he kept going. The worst thing about it was that he had just gotten married and even after his honeymoon he was doing this to me. I quit my job a little after that because it just wasn’t healthy and was so wrong! But I opened up to my fiancé and told him this and he got very angry and hurt and told me that this was so terrible and that he is going to call this guy up and tear him to shreds! I don’t know what to do because this guy has a wife and a child now and I just don’t want to start any drama! Or do you think my fiancé has the right to beat him up?