Break from sex?


My husband and I are ttc #1. But he is having erectile issues and has been throughout our relationship. But this time it has been this is the 2nd month in a row. We have tried having sex about 10 times in the last 2 months without success. He gets hard and then soft before we start, goes soft in the middle or cant get hard to begin. I’m really frustrated and so is he.

Is it ok for me to temporarily take sex off the table until he addresses the issue? I’m not sure how to handle this? I want nothing more than to be intimate with him but I end up so frustrated and disappointed which makes him feel bad too. I’m at a loss.

He has not seen a doctor and is coming up with other excuses as to what could be the issue. I have a high sex drive and in his previous relationship they had sex once a month and never had the disfunction issues we are having. He will say he isn’t a morning person that’s why it fails in the morning, then it’s too late at night, then it’s because of various things he ate or drank, etc.

I am not doing this as a punishment but in hopes that it can be a break for us to reset hopefully. I know it comes across as that. I have assured him that I love him, and that we will figure it all out, however the things has tried have not helped and I’m growing frustrated. I know how he must feel, I can only imagine how horrible he feels.