Was I wrong. We’re fighting.

Please tell me if I was wrong.

My husband is out of state visiting his family. He calls and tells me a story of meeting up with his older cousin (female). He explains that his family met up with the cousin (whose like 60+), and her new boyfriend. He begins by going in detail on how she had two black eyes, bruises all over her arms etc. from falling down stairs.

He was beginning to say he is worried about her getting older, but he didn’t finish his thought. I was in an abusive relationship years ago, so thats where my mind wandered. I asked “do you think the bruises were caused by the new boyfriend?”

He got SOOOOOO PISSED. He said I was incredibly disrespectful, and dumb. Mind you, I just said this to him on the phone, no one else heard. I explained that It was just a question, that I wasn’t there so I wasn’t passing judgement, and that he was over reacting. He demanded an apology, but I don’t feel that what I said was wrong. I said “im sorry my question offended you”

Was I in the wrong? Was my question really that bad/offensive???