Just a question for the admins...

I’ve seen a lot of young girls on this app. One was 13. For most of the topics that are discussed, it doesn’t feel appropriate in some cases. I was curious and looked up the app info in my App Store to find that it said that it is 17+ and I can only imagine due to the content.

Now I think young girls should seek advice, but I feel they may be the ones that are asking questions that get backlash and rudeness.


I did state that these young girls do need to seek advice. I also said that I feel they’re the ones perhaps receiving harsh comments from the community because their questions are perceived as “stupid”. And young girls can take thing pretty harshly, especially when they’re seeking advice.

They should be able to ask questions, but the fact that the app is advertised as 17+, they are failing at monitoring younger ages and can more than likely get in trouble because of some of the content that is on this app.

There are apps out there that help track periods and have forums that are filtered towards younger people, where they wouldn’t have to deal with Gems that isn’t necessarily suited to them.

What does truly concern me is that the app itself may get into trouble because of the Children Online Privacy Protection Act. While we do have lots of people on here that give out advice to these young girls, there is always the concern about people using the information they give against them or for other means.

Update 2:

I understand about TMI filters - but the bigger issue is someone using the information these girls post against them.