New to glow (first month TTC)

Elizabeth • 25 years old. TTC #1 after miscarriage in 2012
My husband and I have been married for almost 3 amazing years. Shortly before we got married we suffered a devastating miscarriage at 10 weeks. 3 1/2 years after our loss, we are both finally ready to TTC! I couldn't be more anxious/excited. My last period was April 28-30. I normally have a 5 day cycle however, I had stopped taking my birth control when my period arrived and so I think that had something to do with my short cycle. All of the apps/websites estimate that I should have ovulated the 12th with my fertile period being the 9-13th. I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP! While I did not use any ovulation tests or monitored my CM I'm praying that God has blessed me with a miracle in my first month of TTC. I'm very impatient and with my past, I'm in desperate need of a BFP. I don't want to get discouraged so early on if I get a BFN, but I know I will. I'm trying to keep positive vibes. Did I mention I replaced my birth control with a prenatal vitamin? 3 days after my ovulation I got very mild cramping in the morning and ever since I've been getting random "fluttering" in my uterus. Could it be that I'm one of the lucky ones who will relieve a BFP in my first month of TTC? *sprinkle baby dust my way*