How do I get to know someone better?


So to make this person anonymous well just call him Jim for now.

So I’ve known ‘jim’ for a couple of years now, we have never been good friends and would only speak on and off, nothing special.

However, I am now finding myself speaking to Jim almost every day including at school and afterwards, on the phone. The longest was 5 hours heh! We have grown quite close to each other very quickly although are yet to speak properly about interests, hobbies, future plans etc but it is something if it came to being in conversation would not ring any alarm bells.

I make him laugh all the time as I am a funny person, not to float my own boat haha but good looks isn’t my strong point so I rely on the good ol’ personality. Anyway where was I... when I say silly things which I don’t find funny he will chuckle to himself almost like he wants me to know how much he finds me funny which makes me happy :)

We have also spoken about exercising and doing it together in the future, we were speaking about what we would like to work on and I said that I have quite big thighs and a bit of belly fat which I’d like to get into shape and he’d say “no you don’t” in a nice way which made me feel better about myself. I don’t want to waffle on but it’s just the little things ya know?

Anywayy, I am becoming fond of ‘Jim’ he is a gentleman and is a great guy to be around who fits in with my style and personality which is a bonus, although he can be a bit silly he is a respectable guy who id really like to get it know well :)

I am also friends with all his friends, we all are cool with each other and make each other laugh and do silly things lol not to mention that Jim will want to stick with me when we will all be walking around school at breaks, I feel respected, it’s nice when people want to be around you that much it makes me feel less lonely :P

Any of you women have any helpful tips as to what I should do? I’d just like to feel more confident in speaking to him about things which will push our friendship further and maybe even start a relationship in the future :)