Ex boyfriend


I really need help girls!!

I dated this guy for a little less than 5 years and today was actually our 5th year anniversary of making love to each other so we decided to c each other. We broke up about 5 months ago. Nothing was supposed to happen we were just going to the mountains but it was so cold that I stole his blanket from his car and we climbed and climbed. We went to a little cave and talked and talking led to the other thing AT THE MOUNTAINS and it felt awesome <3. He was so happy and he kept hugging me and burying his face in my neck and aaahh idk!! He was just too happy then we went out to eat and he told me that we should just be done with each other and I agreed then we went to the park and AGAIN at the park!!!! And he kept telling me he loved me and ugh guys are so complicated. We lived together for 4 years so all the sex we had was in the privacy of our bedroom

Do you think that maybe he said those things to get in my pants again?? Did we make a mistake?? Is it just rebound sex??