Help please


Hey I'm new here. I'm 14 years old and I was adopted at 1 year old. I lived with the person that has adopted me my whole life she has a big family and they all embrace me. My birthday was November 17 and I found my birth mom the day before. I have talked to her and I've asked her many questions she doesn't answer them. She doesn't want to tell me anything before I tell my adopted mom that I'm in contact with her. I really wanna tell her (my adopted mom) but I'm so scared of how she might react of and like if she doesn't approve. I also found out that I have 2 sisters. I live in Queens, Ny and my sister lives in New Jersey. I've also talked to my sister and she won't tell me anything until she gets actual permission to talk to me and tell me things. I just need help I don't know that to do... btw my birth father died when I was 3 so he's not really in the picture. I just don't know what to do. I'm in highschool and all of this is stressing me out.. Any advise????