Confused Future Wife?¿


Sooo my boyfriend and I have been dating for a couple months but we have known each other for over 4 years. Before we started dating he was the sweetest guy ever and I could just see myself being with him in the future. However, now that we are dating, he wants to control my life. Let’s just say I’m in college as everyone knows what you do in college 🤷🏾‍♀️ you party, hangout with friends, go do fun stuff to relieve stress from classes pretty much. 2 months into our relationship he told me I couldn’t go out anymore and that I couldn’t even talk to my roommate because he thinks she was persuading me into going out and ruining our relationship. But because I loved him I decided to stop going out but I continued to talk to my roommate because I mean i live with the girl 🤷🏾‍♀️ I can’t ignore her. So fast forward to the present, he doesn’t trust me, he doesn’t like to talk about situations that cause arguments even tho he starts them, still haven’t been to a party since September, my birthday is in 4 days and he says I can’t go out to have my first legal drink with my friends at all, every time I try to talk to him about something he doesn’t want to talk about it or just says “whatever” or “it is what it is” when he’s done with the argument. I feel like he doesn’t even care about my feelings or about this relationship by saying stuff like that but he says he’s always the victim when it comes to arguing. But he also wants to start trying for a baby and wants me to move in with him. I don’t want to move in or plan a baby with him acting like this or our relationship being like this. What should I do? 😩😩 I need tips, suggestions, anything!