Why are you TTC without being married. . .

I don't understand why couples who have been together for awhile don't get married before they try to conceive. Why would you make the commitment of a child without having the commitment of a spouse? It doesn't make any sense to me at all. I understand "uh ohs" and getting pregnant by accident when you at not married but if you are TTC then there is no "uh oh" it is done on purpose. Why don't you just get married especially if you have been together for a long time before you bring a baby into this world. . .
5.1k views • 68 upvotes • 356 comments



Posted at
Why are other people's reproductive choices your business?


Jessa • Jun 26, 2016
How would we learn without asking questions?


Jessa • Jun 26, 2016
This IS controversy corner, and this question is controversial. I think it's great that she asked so we can better understand someone else's perspective.


April👓🐠எப்ரெல் • May 19, 2015
I'm not defensive. This has nothing to do with me, I'm not ttc.


Posted at
Maybe Some people don't need "marriage" to prove to each other that they are committed to each other.


Posted at
Marriage isn't really a commitment, you can always get an annulment or get divorced. You can't unbirth a child. 


Rachel • Jul 2, 2016


Anne C • Jul 1, 2016
This is my theory too.


Posted at
Me and my fiancé ttc before we were married because we wanted to. End of story. 


Brittney • Jul 4, 2016
Me too!! Wedding is in t-minus three months...


Faraha • Jul 2, 2016
Hahaa same here!!!


Katy • May 20, 2015
Same! Wedding is next month and were ttc!


Posted at
We aren't married because well... We don't want to be. A certificate of marriage doesn't change the fact that we've ben together for 5 years, lived with one another for 4 1/2, have an almost 2 year old together, & love each other beyond words. We have more important things to spend money on then a big fancy wedding. Someday we will; but until we can have a nice wedding we aren't going to stop living our lives and starting our family. And when ever we do get married our children get to be apart of it! That is what I look forward to


Angela • Nov 4, 2016


Le • Jul 3, 2016
This 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Chelsea • May 27, 2015
That's another reason I want kids before I get married! So they can be apart of their parents big day also! One of my best friends just got married, she has two kids with the same guy and they're officially married! It was even more cool because the kids got to be their with them! It was precious!


Posted at
Marriage is just a piece of paper. Why does someone have to be married in order to have a lifetime relationship with someone?


Angela • Nov 4, 2016
If he had social security benefits id gain that..but my SO doesnt pay into that.He gets 1099 due to being self employed.I know if your not married for a certain of time you dont get Spouses social security benefits


Angela • Nov 4, 2016
If your SO is sick he can give permiddion to doctors to fully inform you etc..im going through this with my SO with pancreatitus.And life insurance ..goes to who he signs as beneficiary..which is me.And as of funeral arrangements..his parents are awesome and i will be 100% ok with their decision.Only thing is last name..and im planning on getting married for that.In 4 years on our 25th year together.All im gaining is last name.


Nini • Jul 1, 2016
If one person is obligated to pay child support, you'd now be obligated as well to pay said child support lol. It's no different than marriage.


Posted at
Maybe some people don't believe in marriage. Ever think of that? Not everyone is out to get married. Sometimes just living and being together is enough for them. Anyway why does it matter what other people do? If you want marriage before kids, go do that. Leave other people's decisions alone. It doesn't hurt you any.


Posted at
Me and my fiancé were ttc not long after we got engaged, I have a few health issues and it's safer for me to have children younger, whereas we can get married at any age! Maybe you shouldn't be so judgemental and let people live there lives how they please! 


Posted at
So your telling me that a married couple have to have children, and you have to be married to be good parents..... Nope. Nope. Nope. You don't even have to be in a relationship, there a plenty of amazing, strong single parents out there...


Posted at
We're having a baby now because we want a child together but have no intention of getting married. I understand that some people really want and value marriage and I respect that but I don't understand why some people find it so hard to comprehend that it just doesn't mean anything to some of us.As for commitment, well we are having a child together, that is commitment, whether you stay together or not you'll always be tied to someone you have a child with.


Angela • Nov 4, 2016
well said👍👍👍


MOXIEKAT • May 20, 2015
Agreed! I have friends who are very happily married and they respect that we don't want to get married. The most we'll do is a commitment ceremony.