Paraguard fail


I had the paraguard IUD put in three months after my daughter was born. It’s “long term” effectiveness, it’s “high success rate” and being hormone free (since I was breastfeeding) is what made it appealing to me. It worked great until it didn’t. I got pregnant with the IUD when my daughter was 9 months old. The IUD shifted and I wasn’t able to tell. I could sill feel the strings and experienced zero pain. Upon removal of the IUD they discovered that not only was it completely sideways but it was implanting itself into my uterus. Removal of the IUD ultimately caused me to miscarry. I have never experienced such an emotional roller coaster; finding out I was pregnant. Again. When I was most definitely not supposed to be. Going through all of the emotions of “what am I going to do” and “I can’t handle two kids under the age of two”. Coming to accept that I was going to have another child and then the sadness yet almost relief of miscarrying. Needless to say, my experience with this IUD was nothing short of a nightmare and would strongly recommend against it. The effects I’ve had from that whole experience are long lasting as, firstly, I think about the baby I conceived and lost because of it’s faulty-ness constantly and, secondly, I am in constant fear of becoming pregnant again even though my husband pulls out (and that in itself is another problem it’s caused in my sex life). I’ve since had the implant and it’s been working great... so far.